Forrest Pilates

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Forrest Pilates


    Forrest Pilates’ Miami Guided Meditation Courses

    Meditation is the practice of training your mind to focus on a specific thought, feeling or concept. For some, the eventual goal of meditation is achieving a higher state of consciousness, whereas others point out that the very act of meditation is itself the goal.

    In a normal, untrained state of mind, we tend to receive and react to stimuli in an uncontrolled way. Our minds shift from one thought to another, and our emotional and physical reactions follow suit. Through the regular practice of meditation, we can learn to notice stimuli without immediately reacting to them, thus not allowing our minds to be diverted from that which we are choosing to focus on.

    As an act that promotes increased mindfulness and allows us to have more control over our thoughts and emotions, meditation has countless practical applications for our day-to-day lives. Eventually, however, meditation also has significant spiritual benefits, allowing practitioners to connect with and achieve higher forms of consciousness.

    Forrest Pilates’ guided meditation courses help both beginning and experienced practitioners harness the transformative energy of meditation in a group setting. 

    Benefits of Meditation

    • Meditation can make you smarter. It’s true! Researchers at Harvard, Yale and MIT linked meditation to physical growth of parts of the brain where information is processed.
    • Meditation is the solution. While meditation itself is not the answer to specific life problems, research has found that certain meditation techniques promote creative thinking and make practitioners better problem solvers.
    • Meditation is your friend. Researchers at UCLA found that a simple meditation program lasting just eight weeks reduced loneliness in older adults.
    • Meditation reduces your risk of heart disease. The same UCLA study found an unexpected conclusion: the eight-week meditation program also reduced the genes and protein markers of inflammation, which are potent risk factors for heart disease and other physical and psychological disorders.
    • Meditation also reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.
    • Meditation is better than a babysitter. Many schools around the world have introduced meditation techniques. The reason? It’s been shown that meditation is an effective tool in improving children’s ability to focus, as well as promoting kinder behaviors.
    • Meditation gets you high. Meditation is a useful tool in helping people connect to a higher power and experience increased spirituality, if this is what they desire.

    "We operate at our best when the mind is quiet." -Russell Simmons

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    Yoga has been shown to alleviate many conditions commonly experienced during pregnancy, such as back pain, sciatica, swelling and heartburn. Prenatal Yoga in particular focuses specifically on the pregnant woman's needs, allowing expectant mothers to learn breathing techniques and postures that help sooth the challenges of pregnancy. By helping expectant mothers build strength, focus and flexibility through a gentle practice, Forrest Pilates' prenatal yoga classes prepare expectant mothers for both delivery and postpartum recuperation. At the same time, this serene group experience also cultivates a deeper awareness and joy at the natural changes that occur in the body during these nine months. Designed especially for the pregnant woman, our prenatal yoga classes combine active, flowing poses with restorative poses that relax and re-energize the body, mind and spirit. Moms-to-be can interact with one another and benefit from a supportive community energy, while also being reminded to turn their attention inward and deepen their connection with their bodies during this magical time.  Whether you are a veteran yogi looking to modify your current practice or a first-timer, Forrest Pilates' prenatal yoga classes foster a sense of confidence in your body and your ability to give birth, as well as trust in the inherent wisdom of the female anatomy. Benefits of Prenatal Yoga: The strength developed through yoga is needed in the lower body to carry the added weight of pregnancy. Post-pregnancy, upper body strength is required to hold and care for your baby. Prenatal yoga strengthens the muscles that support the weight of the uterus, taking pressure off the lower back and thereby relieving or helping you avoid pain. Inversion poses help create space in the pelvis, which reduces irritation of the hip joints. Yoga’s focus on the breath is particularly relevant during pregnancy. Regular practitioners will likely find it easier to learn Lamaze or breathing techniques, and breath control is a valuable pain reduction tool during labor. The balancing poses in prenatal yoga assist pregnant women in adjusting to the natural shift in their body's center of gravity.
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